While exploring trails I have not traveled yet is my driving passion the Pisgah Ranger District is where it all began and those trails that I have traveled so many time are quite good and are the perfect place to prepare for the May races. So, last weekend I put together a good loop in the Fish Hatchery area.

A swarm of hungry gnats greeted me with unbridled alacrity as I hurried to prepare my gear in the parking lot. Their presence was a sure sign that spring is now officially in the air.
Farlow was easy enough and Sassafras and Pilot Mtn. were just blips before the big descent of the day down to Gloucester Gap. The pain started to set in as I crawled my way up Chestnut Mtn. Centuries old red oaks stood guard and views of Cedar Rock taunted me over my left shoulder as I slowly made my way towards Butter Gap. I had my last sip of water just as I made it to the shelter and then an eternity later I finally topped out on top of Cedar Rock where a flock of hungry vultures drifted above me sensing their next meal was near.
I paused at the top and laid back on the warm granite to soak in the sunshine and admire the view of where I had been. The sun rejuvenated me and I announced aloud to nobody except myself that it was all downhill from there as I prepared to depart. A few miles later and I was back at the truck and glad to be done running.
A day later and I am pulled up at another trail head in Pisgah. Feeling tired and broken I struggled to muster the energy to take the bike to go fishing. All things pass and once I was on the bike I was feeling alright again and the outing was a success even if I didn't manage to catch any fish.

Hey, I was one of the bikers walking down Farlow as you ran up. You told me there was a rock in the trail ahead. I would have said something to you, but my brain was not working fast enough until you were already past.