It was a strange month. I only rode a bicycle once but continued with my running antics when I wasn't too busy working. With limited time off when I wasn't working I found myself wasting a lot of time staring at maps trying to decide where to go. When I finally did decide where to go it was usually afternoon and the daylight was fading fast. This led to a spectacular series of bail outs on my intended routes. Bailing out is never fun but sometimes happens. Here is a quick run down of some of what transpired.
On 12/15 I was very indecisive and after mulling over my options in the Pisgah Tavern drove just a few miles up the road and took Duma up to the top of Black. Our route was:
Pressley Cove > Black Mtn. > Avery Creek > 477

How many times have I been to the top of Black? If I wanted to count I could, but won't and will just say it is a lot. Duma has been up there quite a bit himself - not bad for a half bred mange infested mutt! As we paused at the mystery tree for the obligatory photo shoot I noticed that it was just a day away from our anniversary. Then I remembered back to how I took him up there on our first date together. I had broken my hand riding and was feeling rather bummed when he first came into my life. I don't do anything fast so before I adopted him I first took him out for the day to see what it was like having a dog. We hiked up Pressley Cove and then up to the top of Black where we shared a peanut butter sandwich and the same thoughts of the soul. He fell asleep on my lap on the drive home and days later we were together permanently. I love this dog!

The following day we went out together again. This time I took him someplace new - Big Ivy - with a fairly ambitious plan for us. Starting from Corner Rock our goal was to run to the top of Craggy Dome and back down. Once again it was afternoon before we started and by the time we made it to the top of FR74 it was 4pm and in the pouring rain without a headlamp we decided to bail but went ahead and turned it into a loop. The full route I had planned still intrigues me so we'll be back to finish it!

On 12/21 we headed back into Pisgah. Starting from Gloucester Gap we headed up the Art Loeb over the top of Pilot Mtn. with out sights set on Tennent Mtn. Along the way we hit one of the very few stretches of trail in the PRD I have not been on before - the Art Loeb over Sassafras Mtn. - but once again when it came time to commit to the big run at Farlow Gap I was worried about the time and daylight remaining and we turned around. Once we got down to the gap again we headed across the road and marked another stretch of trail off the to do list - the Art Loeb from 475 to 471. A couple more very small stretches of trail and I'll be able to confidently say I have traveled every inch of trail in the PRD and get my Pisgah400 patch. I'm in no hurry though - I'd rather savor those last few miles than rush to finish them.

On 12/29 we started from Daniel Boone and for the first time in a while did not bail on the run. Instead we made it a little bigger. I'd planned on going out and back to the top of Cold Mtn. but when we got to Deep Gap that seemed too short and too easy so we took a right and headed across the Narrows and then the Shining Rock Ledge before descending Little East Fork back down to the truck. There isn't a lot of running across the Narrows but it is perhaps the best stretch of trail in Pisgah and we were glad with the choice we made.

I have some plans for 2013. The usuals, of course, pmbar, tnga, double dare. The horrible race I'm not so sure about without having ridden in a long time, that one will be a last minute decision. Then there is the p99 - it might be time to do that one again - this time maybe we can get some runners involved. And I have another thing in mind if I can just find the time.
Stay tuned 2013 could be an interesting time in the Pisgah Nation. For my part I'll try and do better with keeping this blog updated.
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