We were going to do Sycamore Cove but opted for something with a little more flow instead:

We got all the way to the top of Andy Cove and realized we had dropped the camera and had to back track all the way down to where that picture was taken!
There was no way we were going back up Andy Cove again so we continued on Exercise:


D-man in action:

Perhaps the best three miles in Pisgah! (seriously)
Before the run we had stopped at the Pisgah Tavern where I was a regular of sorts all last week for two tall boys and a snickers:

Working at the Pisgah Tavern leads to all kinds of craziness like going out and back on Coontree and Bennett to capture the flag before it got burned by the enemy:

Luckily the roof didn't leak or I may have burned when it rained Saturday afternoon!

And for a little mountain biking action here is a little story:
On Saturday we climbed up Black and had just turned onto Turkey Pen Gap when my companion spotted an arrow head on the trail. He picked it up and showed me. I was quite impressed that he could spot such a thing on the trail but looked down and there was another one! Nothing lasts so we took nothing but a picture:

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