Our trail of choice was an overlooked little gem in the Cradle of Forestry:

I have only been on Barnett Branch one other time and had forgotten about all the unmarked turns. Outside of the wilderness areas Pisgah is very well marked and tricky turns are very few but Barnett has a few. This big arrow pointing the way is reminiscent of the very big arrow on Little East Fork:

The whole way to the top there wasn't a drop of rain in the sky and the sun was playing games behind the clouds making for a perfect late fall mountain run.

Up at the intersection with Black Mtn. trail on Soapstone Ridge was a spectacular experience. A single moment after that picture was taken the wind blew in a deep and heavy fog:

That immediately gave way to a steady freezing rain and we turned and started our run back down in winter conditions. The descent was good and fun with the rain making me feel like a kid splashing my way through mud puddles.
At the bridge just past the intersection with the Pink Beds the rain let up and once again the weather turned on a dime and the sun peaked out. That could only mean one thing and I looked up to see a rainbow over the Pink Beds:

Still at it in PNF. Great to see yo are doing good Clay.