When we go to the parking lot everything was all wrong. Friday the 13th indeed!

That changed everything and instead of riding and running we did something completely different. Yuri does a lot of exploring and a few years ago he found ________. He had told me about _______ many times and without an exact location there is no way I would ever stumble to _______ on my own so I've been waiting for him to take me. So, Friday he took me and ______ was all I'd hoped it would be. Thanks Yuri!

I only had my riding gear so I had to bushwhack in it which actually made it easier because there was less to snag. On the run back up to the cars I wasn't about to carry extra weight so I had to drink my PBR while running.

Saturday I met up with David Cook for a purely fun little Pisgah ride.
1206 > 5050 > Yellow Gap > North Mills River > 142 > Fletcher Creek > Middle Fork > 5097 > Fletcher Creek > 142 > Trace Ridge > Wash Creek > 142 > 5000 > 1206

Sunday I went out to Pisgah again for a fun little mini. I headed right back up the river to where David I had ridden the day before but this time I was headed for something rather interesting that I had noticed on the map for the first time on Saturday night. I had an idea that I what I saw was going to lead to a big bushwhack with my bike up to the Blue Ridge Parkway which would be okay as then I could ride Big Creek back down.
My gps batteries must have died and I didn't pay attention to the map or compass or anything and the bushwhack never came. I stayed on unimproved, and as far as I can tell perfectly bike legal, roads that looked a whole lot like pristine single track. I only know of one biker who has been on this stuff though it is used by other users. I thought I knew where it was headed but ended up being wrong and was very pleasantly surprised. If you want to ride this you got to find it on your own.

The lack of a bushwhack made it a fast loop so I decided to go out and back on Big Creek just for fun at the end. I have the single speed back together and it was a nice day for a walk in the woods.
The local horse group has been out on Big Creek clearing dead fall and doing tread work. Next time you see them thank them!

*Could be good training for the upcoming Pisgah99. That's right, it is going to happen again, but this time there is going to be a slight twist as runners are going to be invited as well. There has even been mention of a possible ride and tie team - 2 runners and 1 bike! Could be interesting and will be fun for sure!
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