The Blue Ridge Parkway is open again between Bent Creek Gap and HWY 151 so yesterday after work I headed to North Mills and did Trace Ridge real fast taking 5000 to the parkway instead of Spencer. I only saw one car the whole time I was on the parkway which was nice for a change and for an added bonus I got to enjoy every last bit of Trace Ridge. I was feeling good and managed to clean the tricky little rocky climb up to the the knob and was thinking that I was going to be able to clean the whole trail until I encountered the dead fall from Monday night's storms. There was quite a bit near the top but I got it cleared so all of Trace is wide open now. I flew down Lower Trace without a problem and charged full speed across the river. Normally I ride this crossing without a problem but everyone once in a while it is deeper than usual and the rocks have moved and I don't quite make it. This time was one of those times and it resulted in me falling completely into the river. Total submersion, I'm glad nobody was there to see it!

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