This is a technical and demanding course. A good estimate is to add about 60% on to your usual 10k time.
You will not be able to run the entire course.
There will be a single water station at the high point (Eden Rock)...roughly 3.5 miles into the course.
Roots, rocks, downed trees, low limbs and very steep terrain are just some of the challenges...but the rewards are some sweet single track and an unmatched view off Eden rock...You will be amazed to be only minutes from I-40 and feel so remote.
Plus at only 10k it is short and I don't even have to carry a silly bicycle with me!
So, anyway, I've bought my ticket and am going to take the ride and that means it is time to start training. Since the course looks short and steep (both up and down) I had to find a trail that goes straight up and then straight back down again. Where in Pisgah could someone find such a trail? Oh, I know!!!

We went straight up and then straight down to Wagon Rd. Gap. Eric initially had this as the mandatory cp for stage 5 of the p36. How crazy is that? It is a solid 1.5 hour hike a bike up to Black from here.

But the dog was thirsty so we hung a right on Wagon Rd. and then another right on South Mills River. The return trip up the river took much longer than I thought it should have and the whole run took us 1:14. At 5.7 miles and 1600' vertical it is a little easier than what the rock to rock will likely be. I'm gonna have to do some training!

Duma never takes bridges. He just won't do them. We've been in some very tight spots before where he has insisted on finding a route across the top of a waterfall instead of taking a bridge. So today when I just dropped his leash crossing one of the bridges across South Mills River I was quite surpirsed when I turned around and saw him following me across the bridge. What a brave dog!

Of course when we got to the last bridge he wouldn't budge and went all the way down to the horse ford. Pinche' Perro!
Huh, that's interesting that your dog is so scared of bridges. Dogs tend to have the most interesting personalities! Gotta love 'em!